Your best possible alternative to an adversarial proceeding.

Through the use of privately made Agreements, you and your spouse (or other parent) can keep control over your divorce/family law issues, avoiding having them be decided by a well-meaning, but extremely busy, judge. A judge is bound by the law and, unlike you, lacks the knowledge of what will work best for your family. In family law, Agreements can be reached on your schedule, at your pace, and be tailored specifically to your needs, causing minimal stress and expense when compared to litigation. Mediation support, divorce negotiation, and collaborative practice can be exceptionally useful strategies to come to an acceptable Agreement between all parties.

Your Best Possible Alternative To An Adversarial Proceeding.

Privately made Agreements allow you and your soon-to-be spouse, or you and your current spouse, or you and your soon-to-be-ex-spouse to keep control over how you resolve your divorce and family law issues.  The alternative is having them be decided by a well-meaning, but extremely busy, judge who is a stranger to you and your family – a judge who is also bound by law, a servant to the Court calendar, and does not have the authority to create “outside the box” solutions.  Moreover, unlike you, a judge lacks knowledge of what resolutions and protections will work best for your family.  Family Law Agreements are created privately, at your pace, and tailored to meet your specific needs and issues. Mediation, negotiation, and Collaborative Divorce law are exceptionally useful methods to resolve your case out of court, resulting in a binding Agreement that resolves all your issues.  Keith Family Law has negotiated and finalized several hundreds of binding Agreements in all areas of family law with excellent results for our clients.

Marital Settlement Agreement: The Backbone of Divorce Settlements

About 90% to 95% of all divorce cases in New Jersey are settled out of court. Even cases that start out in litigation are almost always settled out of court because New Jersey courts strongly favor mediation, Collaborative Divorce, and negotiation (with or without attorneys). In fact, New Jersey courts require divorcing parties to participate in custody and parenting time mediation, economic mediation, and settlement conferences with attorneys before the Court even gives a trial date. The result of these out-of-court settlement techniques is the comprehensive Marital Settlement Agreement (“MSA”), which addresses all your issues in the divorce and governs your post-divorce life.

Prenuptial Agreement: Laying the Foundation for a Solid Marriage

Are you getting married in New Jersey? Are you under the impression that Prenuptial Agreements are only for Hollywood and the ultra-wealthy? Prenuptial Agreements are smart for people in all walks of life. They set expectations ahead of time, open a healthy dialogue about important issues, and contrary to the myth that Prenuptial Agreements weaken or threaten your new partnership, a thoughtful Prenuptial Agreement will actually strengthen your long-term relationship between you and your future spouse. If the answer to any of the above questions for you is “yes,” then let’s talk. Keith Family Law has a long list of happily married clients for whom we have negotiated and finalized binding Prenuptial Agreements, and some of their stories may surprise you!

Postnuptial Agreement: Pressing the Marriage “Reset” Button

Are you married in New Jersey without a Prenuptial Agreement? Do you have assets you want to protect, or have circumstances in your marriage changed and maybe you wish you had signed a Prenuptial Agreement? In certain circumstances, there may still be time. A Postnuptial Agreement (or “Mid-Marriage Agreement”) could be your answer.

Every end is a new beginning

Contact our family law attorneys today to schedule your initial consultation or explore how we can help people just like you in specific family law areas: